Hawking Gaza Reconsidered
Good old President Donald Trump’s brain is like a machine gun, spitting out good ideas so fast that sometimes he comes up with too many at once. His ponderous output was in evidence this week. Continue reading
Good old President Donald Trump’s brain is like a machine gun, spitting out good ideas so fast that sometimes he comes up with too many at once. His ponderous output was in evidence this week. Continue reading
Fifteen Greenlandless Greenlanders feasted on fish and caribou at Donald Trump Jr.’s special luncheon at the Hotel Hans Egede in Nuuk, Greenland, one cold day in early January around lunchtime, one has to suppose. Mystery cloaked the purpose of the occasion, but a wonderful time was had by all. Continue reading
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s got the flattest hat of all? Is it the queen of flat, seriously chic Melania? No! Continue reading
As sophisticated, wise, and worldly as we consider ourselves to be, freedom of speech still tends to elude us and that’s gotten us into a pickle. Continue reading
Limits stultify human incentive. The chance to grab more than you need is what inspires the brightest among us, with success measured by limitless growth. So speak our revered advocates of capitalism. There’s just one problem. This poor milk cow we call our world does have limits, and they’ve been reached. What to do? Continue reading
Here is the stellar speech President Biden would have given to the Business Roundtable on June 13, 2024, had he attended and someone sensible had written it. Continue reading
Despite having the highest ambitions for himself, Donald J. Trump was convicted in New York State for the lowest-level felony: Class E. Will his ego withstand the slight? Based on this petty conviction, will he be able to incite his followers to mount a new assault on the American government? Do not doubt the man. It has already begun. Continue reading
The vast social contract that binds us, which rescues us from a brute state of “warre of every one against every one,” nevertheless grants us generous leeway to establish our own brutish hierarchies within it. To work our way up, we must acquire wealth, which can incentivize a host of good qualities. Ascents can also reflect treachery, deception, and acts of theft. Continue reading
My recent suggestion to reduce the U.S. wealth gap by introducing an algorithm that more equitably distributes corporate income excited objections, such as: It wouldn’t be fair to pay everyone too equally. Low earners get paid what they’re worth. CEOs deserve top compensation for facing high risk. This addendum addresses those objections. Continue reading
Poor Mr. Crump’s fortunes grew and grew until he became very worried about how to get his money – which he didn’t want to part with really – over to his deserving kids, who were a bunch of no-goods anyway, without paying any tax. Then he was struck with a brilliant idea: he was going to put that litter of pups to work . . . Continue reading