Countdown to the Biggest Jackpot

To defend Donald’s vitriolic ranting, his base has taken to curating his statements, defending those they like, dismissing those they don’t. What they should realize is none of what Donald tells them is true. He will say anything if he thinks it will get him reelected, and he has to get reelected. Only scampering back into the office of U.S. president can get him out of the fix he’s in. Continue reading

Trump’s MAGA Credentials

Although thoroughly debunked, Republican candidate Donald Trump must repeat his old lies, be aggressive in spreading new ones, and defiant in defending those. The lies appeal to his base, and Trump must appeal to it. That crazy base is his only chance of regaining the White House, and regaining the White House is his only chance of evading prison and bankruptcy. Continue reading

Equality! Fraternity! Macaroni!

School lunchtime. Anyone remember that? At a signal, scores of children spill out of classrooms into the hallway to storm the lunchroom. But what’s this? At the cafeteria entrance, one girl is coaxed out of line and told to wait outside. But she’ll miss her lunch, she points out. She’s not to get any, she is informed. Continue reading