Trump’s MAGA Credentials

Although thoroughly debunked, Republican candidate Donald Trump must repeat his old lies, be aggressive in spreading new ones, and defiant in defending those. The lies appeal to his base, and Trump must appeal to it. That crazy base is his only chance of regaining the White House, and regaining the White House is his only chance of evading prison and bankruptcy. Continue reading

Enough Joy Already, DNC

The DNC was one big lovefest. To cool down, the political elite should reflect on their past failure to deliver on their promises and admit it had nothing to do with incompetence, paucity of resources, or Donald Trump. The real circuit breakers have names they would rather not mention, so a term was coined to save them embarrassment: dark money. Shine a light on that and we find no promises were broken at all. That is sobering. Continue reading

Beware the Bully on the Merry-Go-Round

As responsible adults, Trump supporters cannot say they bully opponents because Trump tells them to. To retain their dignity, they must convince themselves that the acts of aggression Trump incites them to carry out are exactly what Trump says they are: patriotic acts necessary to save the country. But Trump has never told them the truth . . . Continue reading

Trump’s Bucket Runneth Over

Even Donald J. Trump has a bucket list. How vast the bucket must be to hold all the items on that list is best left to the speculation of superior minds. But one thing is sure: he was checking things off that list at a fast and furious pace until Providence revved up to Trump speed one fateful Saturday to check off the biggest item of all. Continue reading

Antisemitism, American Style

An effective way to curry favor with an irascible benefactor is to scold its critics at a public event those critics don’t attend. Uncontested accusations tend to stick and the speaker gains a point with the benefactor. Joe Biden did this in his “antisemitic” speech delivered at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Days of Remembrance on May 7. The charge: antisemitism. The accused: the students holding pro-Palestinian demonstrations on college campuses across the country protesting Israel’s assault on Gaza since Hamas’s attack on Israel October 7, 2023. The question: who’s the benefactor? Continue reading